Signs Of A Urethral Stricture — And What Your Doctor Can Do About It

A urethral stricture occurs when the urethra, which is the tube that carries your urine out from your bladder, narrows and becomes constricted. This can happen in both men and women, although it tends to be more common in men. It is therefore a good idea to know the signs of urethral strictures and how they are treated. This way, if you ever develop this issue, you can recognize it and seek treatment promptly.

Signs of a Urethral Stricture

The most obvious sign of a urethral stricture is a reduced flow of urine. You might find that your urine comes out in a more narrow stream, or that your urine stream appears to have been split. Some people feel like their urine is spraying out instead of coming out in a steady stream. 

With a urethral stricture, you sometimes experience pain. You may also feel like you have to strain extra hard or really clench your muscles in order to get your urine to flow. Some people notice aching in their pelvis, but this is usually the result of over-using your pelvic floor muscles in an attempt to urinate.

Treating a Urethral Stricture

If you think you may have a urethral stricture, head to your doctor's office. If you can't get in within a day or so, you may want to go to urgent care instead. 

Your doctor will usually start by sending a tiny camera up your urethra. This allows them to see what is constricting your urethra. It may be a growth, or it could just be inflamed tissue. The tissue lining the urethra can swell if you have an STD or even a bacterial infection of the urinary tract.

Treatment will depend on the cause of the stricture. In the case of an infection, antibiotics can usually clear up this symptom within a few days, although you will need to keep taking them for a bit longer than that. If your doctor finds a growth, they'll likely send you for a biopsy and some imaging tests. If the growth is benign, it may be removed surgically or with a laser. If the growth is cancerous, then you will likely be referred to an oncologist.

A urethral stricture is never something to ignore. Make sure you're familiar with the signs, and seek treatment at the first sign of trouble. In most cases, this is just a sign of an infection, but it's important to ensure nothing more sinister is going on. 

For more info about urethral stricture, contact a local professional. 
